
Build products that are cherished by users and less impactful for the environment

The TG0 tech platform offers the benefit of freedom of design and material use, yet put less strain on environment with products that are lightweight, use minimal rare earth metals and have reduced material variations.

Environmental legislation is now here

Businesses need to react to the changing landscape of customer demands, regulations, and the price & material volatility of the market.

It is estimated that over 80% of all product-related environmental impacts are determined during the design phase of a product

A girl holding a young plant

How we can solve it, together

TG0 technology inherently reduces the use of rare earth metals through reducing reliance on electronic components, provides lightweighting opportunities and promotes longevity through ingress-free, seamless surfaces.

But, this is not enough, we are constantly improving ….

We recognise that as a business we have a responsibility and obligation to reduce our negative impact on the environment, and so are proactively researching new ways to do so.

Responsible consumption and production logo

TG0’s sustainability strategies have been mapped in alignment with the UN SDGs, with the main focus being on SDG 12

This helps set a vision for the team to work towards and support the 2030 agenda.

‘Responsible Consumption and Production means circular material flows, zero waste, making products that last longer.’

Related SDG targets that TG0 will begin working towards include:
12.2 - Sustainable management and efficient use of resources
12.4 -  Responsible management of wastes throughout their life cycle
12.5 - Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
12.8 - ensure people have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles


Responsibly develop products for their lifecycles.

What we are doing

Based on the nature of TG0 technology and operations we have prioritised focus areas to address in our sustainability strategy

We are aware of the relationship between stages of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) and the planet, hence our research proactively addresses each stage.
Areas of focus in the PLC
TG0 practice Sustainability in Product life circle

Responsibly managing manufacturing waste

Reducing manufacturing waste by incorporating pre-consumer regrind into new mouldings

We are working closely with our factories to create a closed-loop recycling process. Through utilising the moulding waste scraps we can ensure the feedstock used is of high quality.

Rapid Prototyping (RP) is a big part of TG0’s design process therefore we ensure to properly manage waste, with designated PLA and WEEE collections in-house. 


Light weighting to reduce travel impacts

By using fewer electrical components and connections we can ship more with less environmental impact.  


Designing products for longevity

Software for longevity

Capturing prolonged value from our software enabled surfaces. For example. electrode re-mapping and algorithm development allows for upgrades and changes in use based on the SW, not the HW.

Seamless surfaces for longevity

Reduce the risk of dirt ingress meaning controls should be less prone to failure. 


Facilitating responsible EOL management

Extended lifecycle through modularity

TG0 sensing can be integrated into a product in such a way to allow repair and/or replaceability

Reducing material variations

TG0 patented technology utilities smart sensing polymers, it is possible to use just one material for sensing, therefore simplifying EOL disposal

manufacturing circuit  board
Light delivery
Touch sensing surface
TG0 Demoset


We understand that sustainability is a lot broader than just looking at an individual product, it is related to how the company operates and its upstream and downstream activities.

We are happy to work in alignment with your company’s sustainability strategy to meet your environmental goals through designing in a more thoughtful way: 

Design for Repair 
Design for EOL disassembly
Modular and upgradable SW and HW
Product-service system integration
Design for longevity and behavioural change
Environmental-data driven design development
Ecochain Mobius interface

LCA data

We have the capability to generate simplified LCA reports on our products, and provide services such as:

  • Final LCA report on the product
  • Incorporate LCA results to assess which materials and/or designs have the least overall environmental impact. 
  • Working with comparative LCA data to reduce impact of new product development

TG0 uses the Ecochain Mobius tool to conduct a simplified LCA of the PLC, with access to various databases including Ecoinvent.

Discover how you can lessen the impact of your operations while building better products and experiences

Talk to one of our engineers